06 Dec Pendular Motion by Octavi Rumbau
Octavi Rumbau, composition and electronics
Erica Wise, cello
Miquel Bernat, percussion
Neus Estarellas, piano
“Captivating webs of multiple layers of time, shifting between stability and catastrophe. Masterful. Hypnotic.” Ramon Humet
The music of Octavi Rumbau exploits the possibility of creating self-generating material from minimal premises. Organically regular patterns proliferate in the form of processes of increasing or decreasing complexity (following the lead of Phases by Steve Reich, or Poème Symphonique for 100 metronomes by György Ligeti) in which certain elements circulate freely within pre-programmed parameters. The perception of time is, indubitably, changed and transformed, released from ends-driven purposes, offering a glimpse of the possibility of a vertical, malleable time.
The album was recorded in 3D format at the Zaragoza Auditorium, in close collaboration with the composer, using a multichannel microphone system built to record and recreate acoustic spaces in sound installations of 10 speakers.
The physical edition of Pendular Motion includes a CD, a 26 pages booklet with liner notes by musicologist Jordi Alomar, and a code to download the HD version of the album (24bit and 96kHz) in stereo and 5.1 surround formats.